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  • *Registered Postage Australia Wide
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    Still Spirits Alcobase Kit is the perfect way to start alochol washes to prepare for distillation through a still system.

    Please see below for a full description of the product:

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  • *Registered Postage Australia Wide
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    Kit includes the top selling T500 Beer Boiler and the world’s most advanced fractionating column reflux condenser, as well as all the required additional equipment and ingredients to make a range of premium products at home.

    Please see below for a full description of the product:

  • *Registered Postage Australia Wide
    *International Postage Cost Will Vary

    The new and improved Generation 2 – 2400 watt Power Controller. Suitable for Homebrewers, distillers and any other means of power wattage adjustment up to 2400 watt (Standard 10 amp). If you do use this on a BrewZilla or Digiboil, you will only be able to reduce 10-30% worth of power before the display turns off. Once the display turns off, so does the elements.

    Please see below for a full description of the product:

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  • *Registered Postage Australia Wide
    *International Postage Cost Will Vary

    Kit includes the top selling T500 Beer Boiler and the world’s most advanced fractionating column reflux condenser, as well as all the required additional equipment and ingredients to make a range of premium products at home.

    Please see below for a full description of the product:


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161 Vincent Rd,
Victoria 3677,

p:  0357983489

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Mon:09:00 - 17:00

Tue:09:00 - 17:00

Wed:09:00 - 17:00

Thu:09:00 - 17:00

Fri:09:00 - 17:00

Sat:09:00 - 14:00

Sun:10:00 - 14:00



