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Colony West Sparkling Lemonade – Alcoholic or Non Alcoholic

Colony West Sparkling Lemonade – Alcoholic or Non Alcoholic


*Registered Postage Australia Wide
*International Postage UNAVAILABLE for this item

This refreshing light lemonade kit can be made alcoholic on non alcoholic. Its entirely your choice and the pack comes with instructions for both options. It is preservative free and requires 1 kg of Dextrose to make it alcoholic and only 300 grams of Dextrose to make it non alcoholic. Makes 30 – 750ml bottles

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*Registered Postage Australia Wide
*International Postage UNAVAILABLE for this item


This refreshing light lemonade kit can be made alcoholic on non alcoholic. Its entirely your choice and the pack comes with instructions for both options. It is preservative free and requires 1kg of Dextrose to make it alcoholic and only 300 grams of Dextrose to make it non alcoholic. Makes 30 – 750ml bottles.


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Victoria 3677,

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