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25x Natural Dehydrated Salami Casing 75 x 400mm

25x Natural Dehydrated Salami Casing 75 x 400mm


*Registered Postage Australia Wide
*International Postage UNAVAILABLE for this item

Single casing measures  Ø75mm x 40cm (filled) or 115mm flat, Holds 900gms-1.1kg meat each skin approx and  suitable for size #18 netting.

This quality product is made from natural dehydrated skin, not a synthetic material. To rehydrate them we recommend a quick dip in wine to wet both the inner and outer skin and fill. As with any dehydrated product the more the skin is in contact with liquid the softer they will become and will be more susceptible to breakage.

Please see below for a full description of the product:

13 in stock

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100+ Casings 5% Discount (Please note that the packs are sold in quantities of 25 not individually)



*Registered Postage Australia Wide
*International Postage UNAVAILABLE for this item


A single natural dehydrated salami casing measures:
– Ø75mm x 40cm (filled) or 115mm flat
– Holds approximately 900gms-1.1kg meat each skin
– Suitable for size #18 netting.

This quality product is made from natural dehydrated skin, not a synthetic material. To rehydrate them we recommend a quick dip in wine to wet both the inner and outer skin and fill. As with any dehydrated product the more the skin is in contact with liquid the softer they will become and will be more susceptible to breakage.

– The packs are sold in quantities of 25, not individually
– Bulk buys are encouraged and a purchase of 100+ casings will have a 5% discount automatically applied.

If you are interested in a natural dehydrated salami casing  please see other salami making supplies
Salami Making


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161 Vincent Rd,
Victoria 3677,

p:  0357983489

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