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Still Spirits Water Flow Regulator

Still Spirits Water Flow Regulator


*Registered Post Australia Wide

We’re all familiar with having to try and keep someone from flushing the toilet or turning the dishwasher on while we’re distilling so we can get the best results. Now you don’t have to worry! This latest Still Spirits product is here to help you perfectly control your water flow when using your still.

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Still Spirits Water Flow Regulator


*Registered Australia Wide


We’re all familiar with having to try and keep someone from flushing the toilet or turning the dishwasher on while we’re distilling so we can get the best results. Now you don’t have to worry! This latest Still Spirits product is here to help you perfectly control your water flow when using your still.

We have designed your own small water supply especially for your still. Connect this device to your tap, let it fill with water, and you have a reservoir of water for your still.

The Water Flow Regulator includes:

  • Its own built in pump to supply water to your still.
  • A float valve to regulate how much water it holds.
  • A water flow controller, so that you can set it to the exact flow rate for your needs.
  • A cool reservoir to store up to 1 L of water.

NOTE: It is illegal to distill alcohol without a permit from the ATO.  A boiler for the still is not supplied, as you legally need a capacity of less than 5L in Australia.  The Beer Boiler supplied is ONLY for fermenting.  You must obtain a license before buying this system for alcohol use.  NZ residents may legally use the Beer Boiler with the still.


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